The Manage Members page allows you to add, edit, and delete your club's members.

Click the Add button to add a new golfer, or click a member's name to edit information for that member.

Click the red X to delete a golfer.  Once a golfer has been deleted his/her information is permanently removed from your DogFight club, including team membership, which can result in inaccurate team history.

You can enter various contact information for each member.  First and last name are required, and you must provide an e-mail address for each member so they can receive important information from the club.

Checking Listed beside the various contact information allows other members to view that information.

On the Membership Info tab, check Use Initial Quota to specify whether or not the golfer's initial quota should be used when calculating Plus/Minus for a round.  If Use Initial Quota is checked, Plus/Minus scores for incomplete rounds will be calculated using the Initial Quota value no matter how many rounds a golfer has played.  The initial quota can be used for new golfers in your club who do not have any round history. IMPORTANT: If you are using the adjustment method of quota calculation, you must enter an Initial Quota and keep the "Use Initial Quota' box checked for each golfer.

Check This member is also a club coordinator to allow this member to manage members, rounds, and news items.  Coordinators cannot update club information and settings. Only the administrator can access and manage club information and settings.

On the Initial Rounds tab, enter points for up to twenty(20) "history" rounds for each member.  Entering initial rounds points is useful when using an average points calculation method because it results in more accurate quotas for each member moving forward.

If you would like to send an e-mail to all or selected members of your club, check the box beside the names of each member to which you want to send the e-mail (or check the box in the header of the grid to select all members) the click the Send E-mail button.  Enter a subject and message body, then click the Send button.

Article ID: 7, Created On: 4/25/2010, Modified: 4/25/2010

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